Vizualno v antropologiji - vaje

Vizualno v antropologiji - vaje

Ure predavanj: 0

Ure seminarjev: 0

Ure vaj: 60

ECTS točke: 3

Nosilec/izvajalec: doc. dr. Lunaček Brumen Ana Sarah

Vaje: poglobitev posameznih sklopov predavanj z branjem in diskusijo besedil na izbrane teme, v povezavi z refleksijo vizualnih raziskav, pristopov k etnografskemu filmu ter teoretskih in metodoloških možnosti vizualnih raziskav in raziskav vizualnega v kulturi. Predstavitev in analiza raziskav vizualnega v kulturi in raziskav s pomočjo fotografije in snemanja. Dodatna predstavitev trendov v polju vizualne antropologije (participatornost, angažiranost, senzornost, prenosi znanja, multimedijskost, aplikativnost, povezave z umetnostjo in popularno kulturo, risba …). Povezava z drugimi področji, ki zanimajo študente in študentke. Individualno in skupinsko projektno delo. Možnost snemanja, montaže in analize audio vizualnega gradiva. Možnost individualnih in skupinskih avdiovizulanih projektov. Možnost terenskega dela.

1. Banks, Marcus, 1992, Which Films are Ethnographic Films? In: Crawford, Peter Ian in David Turton (ur.) Film as Ethnography. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Str. 116-131.
2. Jhala, Jayasinjhi, 1996, The Unintended Audience. In: Crawford, Peter I. in Sigurjon, Baldur Hafsteinsson (ur.) The Construction of the Viewer. Proceedings from NAFA 3. Aarhus. Intervention Press. Str. 207-228.
3. Flores, Carlos Y., 2007, Sharing Anthropology: Collaborative Video experiences among Maya Film-makers in Post-War Guatemala. In: Pink, Sarah (ur.) Visual Interventions. Applied Visual Anthropology. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books. Str. 209-227
4. Mac Dougall, David, 1998, Transcultural Cinema. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Str. 140-165.
5. Grimshaw, Ana in Amanda Ravetz, 2009, Observational Cinema. Anthropology, Film and Exploration of Social Life. Bloomington, Indianopolois: Indiana University Press. Str. 113-137.
6. Schneider, Arndt and Wright, Chrisopher,2010, Between Art and Anthropology. In: Schneider, Arndt and Wright, Chrisopher (ur.) Between Art and Anthropology. Contemporary Ethnographic practice. Oxford, New York: Berg, Str. 1-23.
7. Rose, Gillian, 2007, Visual Methodologies. An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Los Angelos, London, New Delhi: Sage. Str. 1-28
8. Ragazzi, Rossella, 2006, Memory, Resistance and Speaking of the ‘Self’. Migrant Children Accounts of a Shifted place-time In: Postma, Metje and Crawford, Peter Ian (ur.) Reflecting Visual Ethnograpy. Using the Camera in Anthropological Research. Leiden, Hojbjerg: Intervention Press. Str. 186-211.
9. Pink, Sarah, 2009, Doing Sensory Ethnography. Los Angelos, London, New Delhi: Sage. Str. 1-44.
10. Grasseni, Cristina, 2007, Good Looking: Learning to be a Cattle Breeder. V: Grasseni, Cristina (ur.), Skilled Visions. Between Apprenticeship and Standards. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books. Str. 47-67.

Literatura za vaje (na izbiro)/Literature practical courses (to choose):
1. Banks, Marcus in Jay Ruby (ur.) 2011, Made to be Seen. Perspectives on the History of Visual Anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (izbrana poglavja)
2. Wright, Terence, 2008, Visual Impact. Culture and the Meaning of Images. Oxford, New York: Berg Publishers.
3. Edwards, Elisabeth, 1992, Anthropology and Photography 1860-1920. New Haven: Yale University Press.
4. Gray, Gordon, 2010, Cinema. A Visual Anthropology. Oxford, New York: Berg.
5. Tomaselli, Keyan G., 1996, Appropriating Images. The Semiotics of Visual Representation. Hojbjerg: Intervention Press. (izbrana poglavja).
6. Pink, Sarah (ur.) 2009 (2007), Visual Interventions. Applied Visual Anthropology. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
7. Mac Dougall, David, 2006, The Corporeal Image. Film, Ethnography and the Senses. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
8. Guillemin, Marlys in Sarah Drew, 2010, Questions of Process in Participant Generated Visual Research. Visual Studies 25 (2): 175-188.
9. Pink, Sarah (ur.), 2012, Advances in Visual Methodologies. London: Sage.
10. Barbash, Ilisa in Lucien Taylor (ur.), 2007, The Cinema of Robert Gardner. Oxford, New York: Berg.