Survey of Applied Linguistics

Survey of Applied Linguistics

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 6

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Novak Lukanovič Sonja

General introduction to applied linguistics (history in Slovenia and internationally, methodologies); searching for and collecting data (institutions concerned with linguistic issues, guides, sources and literatute); specific applied linguistics fields (language description: grammar, vocabulary; corpus linguistics; child language; pragmatics; communication in different professions; language for special needs; forensic linguistics; contrastive linguistics and error analysis; learning and mastering the mother tongue, learning and mastering a second language, language learning; motivation, goals and strategies; models of education in linguistically mixed areas; adult language learning; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics; language in contact; language and ecology; language and gender; language and the media; sign language; listening, speech and pronunciation, reading, writing; grading; translating and interpreting; literacy; rhetoric and stylistics; bilingualism and multilingualism; (critical) discourse analysis; the work of researchers in specific fields.