Methodology of linguistic reaearch

Methodology of linguistic reaearch

Lectures: 15

Seminars: 15

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 6

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Novak Lukanovič Sonja

- Definition of scientific research – scientific theory, scientific method and empirical data
- Survey of research methods (direct, indirect), procedures (laboratory research, testing, questionnaries, interviews, participatory observation, action research) and instruments
- Forming a research model and research question/s /hypotheses (definition of variables and planning of codependence).
- Research time frame: true and seeming time research, panel, longitudinal research
- Forming and preliminary verification of adequacy of instrument
- Sampling: planning and choice of sample, sample structure, subjects (informators, respondents), texts, corpus
- Protocol in data gathering – tasks, procedures and researcher's/interviever's attitude
- Data processing
- Data analysis and interpretation, verification of hypotheses and inclusion of new findings
- Users and dissemination of research results