Theories of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties

Theories of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties

Lectures: 52

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 8

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Šarić Marjeta, prof. dr. Kroflič Robert

- Deffinitond of emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Interdisciplinary approach to children with emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Developmental factors of pathology through concepts of nature and culture
- Repressive character of education/socialization between concepts of nature and culture
- Normality – pathology
- From anthropological deffinitons of normality/pathology to criminological deffinitons of normality/rejective behaviour
- Approaches to pedagogical deffinitons of education, reeducation, prevention, discipline, indoctrinaton, manipulation and legal dimmensions of these concepts (the question of legal and legitimization aspects of (re)education)
- Elements of the concept of moral and character education in school, legal and ethical dimmension of discipline meassures
- School as inclussive, democratic, juste and caring institution