Hittite II/1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Repanšek Luka, prof. dr. Furlan Metka
Nominal morphology. The origins of nominal desinences. Overview of nominal declensions. Grammatical categories (number, binary gender system with the subcategory of animacy, case and the system of cases in Old and Neo-Hittite).The PIE o-stem and stems in *-eH2-, and the Hittite a-declension (within the context of other Anatolian material, especially Lycian). The i-stem double declension pattern and its PIE sources. Morphological special features in the declension of consonant stems. Ablaut in nominal stems. Classification and origin of heteroclitic stems. Word formation of nominal stems (main sentence types).
- Furlan, M., Hetitska nominalna deklinacija, Ljubljana, 2022, 78 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 100567043
- Friedrich, J. Hethitisches Elementarbuch I, II. Heidelberg, 1975, 195 + 111 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 9162338, COBISS.SI-ID - 26377826
- Hoffner, H. A. Jr. and Melchert, H. C., A Grammar of the Hittite Language: Part I: Reference Grammar, Part 2: Tutorial, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2008, 468 str. + 75 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 39982690
- The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the - University of Chicago. Edited by H. G. Güterbock and H. A. Hoffner. Chicago, 1980– / COBISS.SI-ID - 35376738
- Kimball, S. E., Hittite Historical Phonology. Innsbruck, 1999, 456 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 164701443
- Melchert, C., Anatolian Historical Phonology. Amsterdam - Atlanta, 1994, 457 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 2954082
- Kloekhorst, A., Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon, Leiden: Brill, 2008, 1162 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 40520290
Other reading is specified by agreement between the instructor and students for each academic year separately.