Antropology of Education
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Krek Janez
Link between anthropology and education. The selected anthropological topics: kinship systems; marriage and family; sexual differentiation; social control; religion; social power.
Selected cultural phenomena and interpretation: initiation; totem and the logic of totemic classifications, totem and caste; taboo; incest; exogamy, endogamy; monogamy, polygamy, polyandry; patrilinear and matrilinear succession;
systems of transformations, universalization and particularization, categories, types, numbers; structure and function in primitive societies; stationary and cumulative; cultural needs, etc.
Education and human being as a biological and social being: anthropological models of interpretation of the human phenomenon; the importance of biological and social factors on individual Incarnation; criticism "nature-nurture" dyad.
Transmission of culture (inculturation): basic concepts and models of the transmission of culture; inculturation; factors of the transmission of culture; comparison of the transmission of culture in indigenous and modern societies;
Links insights of anthropology and issues and theories of moral philosophy. Cultural norms of normality in non-European cultures and discomfort in culture.
- Benveniste, Emile: Problemi splošne lingvistike I, ŠKUC/FF, Studia humanitatis, Ljubljana 1988, str. 59-84.ID=88072
- Cazeneuve, Jean: “Načela in vidiki obreda”, “Nečistost”. V: Sociologija obreda, Studia humanitatis, Ljubljana 1986, str. 9-117.ID=4121600
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- Freud, S. (2001). Nelagodje v kulturi. Ljubljana: Gyrus, str. 11-142.ID=111486720
- Godina-Vuk, V. (1990). ’Nature’ vs. ‘nurture’. V: V. Godina-Vuk (ur.), Antropološki zvezki 1. Ljubljana: Sekcija za socialno antropologijo pri Slovenskem sociološkem društvu, s. 77-114.ID=21868544
- Goody, Jack: „Pisava in abeceda”, „Govorica in pisava”. V: Med pisnim in ustnim: študije o pismenosti, družini, kulturi in državi, SH, Ljubljana 1993, str. 19-74, 270-297.ID=35375104
- Kaspar Hauser: zbornik. (1996). Ljubljana: Krtina, str. VII-XXII, 3-26, 33-47 in 93-202.ID=64239360
- Levi-Strauss, C. (2004). Divja misel. Ljubljana: Krtina, str. 11-47, 87-121, 179-267.ID=216377600
- Levi-Strauss, C. (1985). Oddaljeni pogled. Ljubljana: ŠKUC, str. 21-45, 63-88, 223-232, 326-338.ID=17316097
- Mead, M. (2002). Spol in značaj v treh prvotnih družbah. Delovno gradivo, Ljubljana: PeF, str. 3-198.ID=4921161
- Mead, M. (1928). Coming of Age in Samoa [predvsem poglavja III, V-XIII in predavanja].ID=226788877
- Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald. Struktura in funkcija v primitivni družbi, Ljubljana 1995, str. 7-39, 199-227, 244-273.ID=44181760
Relevant articles from domestic and foreign literature available in libraries and on the Internet.