Practicum (pedagogic)
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): asist. Pelicon Sara, izr. prof. dr. Štefanc Damijan
The aim of Practicum is for the students to become familiar with the organization of work in educational institution.
The student will gain detailed insight into how does an educational institution functions as a whole and its constituent parts. He/She will conduct interviews with qualified educational experts and representatives of school management (teachers, school counselors, headmaster, etc.).
The exact content of the practicum and schedule of activities is determined in the cooperation between student and his/her mentor at selected school.
Practicum consists of 80 hours (two working weeks) of work attendance at selected educational institution.
Okvirna literatura za pripravo na pedagoško prakso / Basic reading list for individual preparation of practicum:
- Bevc, V. idr. (2002). Spremljanje in vrednotenje pedagoškega dela strokovnih delavcev. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo. ID=116006656
- Tomić, A. (2002). Spremljanje pouka. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo. ID=117167104
- Zakon o organizaciji in financiranju vzgoje in izobraževanja (1996, 2003). Uradni list RS, št. 14/2003.
It is obligatory for students to be acquainted with relevant legal acts by which the selected educational institution is functioning (e.g. Basic Education Law, Pre-school Education Law, Gimnazija Law etc.).
At the educational institution where practicum takes place, student also gets acquainted with its fundamental rules and formal acts (School Rules, Annual Work Plan, other relevant documents).