Slovene-English Translation III
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Zlatnar Moe Marija
The course focuses on perfecting basic translation strategies from and into Slovene and English, working with more complex texts of different text types and different areas, concentrating on syntactical, stylistic, and culture-specific features of the texts. The texts are mostly taken from periodicals, newspapers, journals and similar, but they cover different areas, for example politics, economy, arts and humanities, literature, etc. Special attention is still paid to particular features of individual text types, and to the intention od the text and the expectations and demands of the target reader. In addition to analysis and translation of texts, some time is also dedicated to some of the more difficult issues in translation between English and Slovene, such as word formation, emphasis, register varieties of language, metaphorical language and similar.
English dictionaries
Fran. si
Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar Oxford. Ur. Simon Krek. 2005. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 217361664
dodatno gradivo, ki ga pripravi izvajalec seminarja
specialized mono-and bilingual dictionaries