Introduction to psychology of work and organisation
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Babnik Katarina
Subject of work and organizational psychology; typical problems; basic approaches; basic methods; forms of practical activities; relation to similar disciplines.
Historical development of the profession; milestones that influenced the development of the profession; development after 1st and 2nd world war; contemporary paths of development; changes and adaptations because of globalization.
Research in the field of work and organizational psychology; basic methodological approaches; using research data.
Meaning of work; relations to other aspects of life; work values and attitudes; unemployment; ethical and legal aspects of the profession.
Quality of working life: work schedule, workload, fatigue, rest, ergonomics and ergonomic interventions, work-related stress, burnout.
- Landy, F. J. in Conte, J. M. (2013). Work in the 21st century: an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology (4. izd.). Hoboken: Wiley. COBISS.SI-ID - 4507569
- Drenth, P. J. D., Thierry, H. in de Wolff, C. J. (ur.) (1998). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology, Volume 1: Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology (2. izd.). East Sussex: Psychology Press. (str. 1-99). COBISS.SI-ID - 33892194
- Petz, B. (1987). Psihologija rada. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.(str. 1-14, 250-287). COBISS.SI-ID - 14760448
- Miner, J. B. (1992). Industrial – Organizational Psychology. New York: McGraw- Hill. (str. 1-26). COBISS.SI-ID - 32170241