Managment in Culture
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Cvar Nina, doc. dr. Podreka Jasna, prof. dr. Vidmar Horvat Ksenija
The course introduces the necessary steps in the managment of culture with the specific emphasis on Slovene culture (in NGOs and public sector).
It focuses in greater detail on the first phase of management, that is on strategic planning (i.e., hypothetic model of cultural project such as theatre festival):
- Definition of the idea
- Definition of the social context
- Identification of the interested public
- Identification of the project's goals
- Time planning
- Human resource planning
- Financial planning
- Promotion and media planning
- Sponsorship planning
The course also includes the analysis of potentials for subventions in Slovenia and abroad.
The course is interdisciplinary and includes insights from sociology, cultural studies, economy and law.
Izbrana poglavja iz:
• Uroš Grilc (ur.): Analiza stanja na področju kulture in predlog prednostnih ciljev, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Ljubljana 2002 COBISS.SI-ID – 120447232
Dodatni viri in literatura: Izbrana poglavja iz:
• Francois Colbert, Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau, William D. Poole (ur.): Marketing Culture and the Art, Paul & Co Pub Consortium, Montreal, 1995 (izbrana poglavja)
• Matthias Karmasin, Carsten Winter (ur.): Grundlagen des Medienmanagements, UTB Verlag, Stuttgart 2003 (izbrana poglavja bodo na voljo v slovenščini)
• Volker Kirschenberg: Corporate arts Sponsorship; v: Ruth Towse (ur.): The Handbook of Cultural Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2003, str. 143-151
Resolucija o nacionalnem programu za kulturo 2004-2007, Uradni list RS, št. 28/ 2004
Dodatna literatura (vzorci pogodb, marketinških in finančnih načrtov itd.) bo študentom in študentkam posredovana med predavanji in seminarji.