Fieldwork and Excursions IV
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Valant Miha, doc. dr. Grabar Nika, izr. prof. dr. Žerovc Beti
Fieldwork and Excursions are organised in concordance with other courses on Slovenian and European art. Moreover, they try to follow current projects in and around Slovenia (e. g. restoration works, important exhibitions, etc..). Under the guidance of the lecturer students use their theoretical knowledge for practical work in situ. Destinations for excursions and locations of the fieldwork are chosen in such a way that students are faced with as complex and diverse art historical problems as possible (with objects of interest including architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative arts); moreover, they are chosen in the way to enable a comprehensive professional approach (topographical, chronological, conservational, museological, stylistic, morphological, iconographical, etc..)
Before the start of the academic year the lecturer draws up a list of required literature in accordance with the plan and the content of field work.