Didactic Strategies
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 7
Lecturer(s): asist. Pelicon Sara, prof. dr. Kalin Janica
1. Definition of didactic strategies
2. The roles of teacher and pupil in contemporary school: change factors in contemporary school
3. Problem-based learning
• Definition, foundation of problem-based learning, development and characteristics of problem-based learning;
• Teaching contents and teaching methods in the function of problem-based learning
• Advantages and limitations of problem-based learning
• Basic problem categories (a problem situation, a problem, a didactic problem-based task)
• Types and forms of problems
• Macro-articulation of problem solving
• Development of problem-solving learning abilities in pupils
4. Project-based learning:
• Definition, characteristics, integration in the teaching process
• Occurrence and development of project-based learning in Slovenia and in the world
• Pedagogic, psychological and didactic fundamentals of project-based learning
• Construction and progress of project-based learning
• Introduction of project-based learning in school life and work
5. Learning in a group and cooperative learning
• Characteristics, basic conditions, advantages and limitations of group learning
• Principles of cooperative learning
• The structure of tasks in cooperative learning
• Teacher's role and tasks; assessment of cooperative learning
6. Research-based learning
7. Integrated/interdisciplinary curriculum
8. Didactic innovations (teacher as a reflective practitioner and action researcher)
● Kalin, J. (2003). Pouk, ki spodbuja sodelovalno klimo in nenasilje. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 54, št. 2, str. 42-57. ID=761348
● Novak, H. (1990). Projektno učno delo. Drugačna pot do znanja. Ljubljana: DZS. ID=20809472
● Peklaj, C. s sodelavkami (2001). Sodelovalno učenje ali kdaj več glav več ve. Ljubljana: DZS. ID=111692031
● Peklaj, C., Kalin, J., Pečjak, S., Puklek Levpušček, M., Valenčič Zuljan, M., Ajdišek, N. (2009). Učiteljske kompetence in doseganje vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev v šoli, (Zbirka Razprave FF). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. ID=247357184
● Strmčnik, F. (2010). Problemski pouk v teoriji in praksi. Novo mesto: Visokošolsko središče Novo mesto, Inštitut za raziskovalno in razvojno delo. ID=253292800
● Strmčnik, F. (2001). Didaktika. Osrednje teoretične teme. Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, str. 17-35; 183-199. ID=113563136
● Valenčič Zuljan, M., Kalin, J. (2007). Učitelj - temeljni dejavnik v procesu inoviranja pedagoške prakse. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 58, št. 2, str. 162-179. ID=761348
● Valenčič Zuljan, M. in Kalin, J. (2020). Učne metode in razvoj učiteljeve metodične kompetence. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta. ID=22908419
Relevant articles from domestic and foreign literature, accessible in libraries and on the World Wide Web.