Sociology of Adult Education
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mikulec Borut
Theoretical foundations of sociology of education: classical and contemporary theories of education (functionalism, utilitarianism, (symbolic) interactionism, Marxism, critical theory in education, reproduction theories).
Research traditions in the sociology of education (positivism, antipositivism and empiricism, epistemological problems of research in education, research paradigms in education, trends in quantitative and qualitative research methods,).
Social stratification, social mobility and education (inequality of educational opportunities, differences in educational attainment, education, occupational position and income, knowledge, power and education).
Participants of education by gender, age, social and educational background, ethnicity and regional origin; motivation and expectations of participants in education; their achievements in education.
The importance of the family in educational processes (family and school environment measurement, family, school, social and cultural capital, parental education, parents-school relations, economic status of the family).
Study of educational processes (sociological treatment of curriculum - hidden curriculum, acquisition of values and skills, socialization).
Obvezna literatura:
- Haralambos, M., Holborn, M. (1999). Sociologija. teme in pogledi. Ljubljana: DZS.ID=103292672
- Lange, E. (2015). (Re)igniting a sociological imagination in adult education: the continuing relevance of classical theory. International Journal for Lifelong Education, 34, št. 5, str. 491–513. ID=28958209 in 52060821
- Mikulec, B. (2019). Evropeizacija izobraževanja: izobraževanje odraslih med teorijo, evropsko in nacionalnimi politikami ter prakso. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.ID=297913856
- Saha, L. J. (1997). International Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Education. Oxford, New York, Tokyo: Elsevier Science Ltd. ID=26399074
- Spencer, B. in Lange, E. (2014). The Purposes of Adult Education: An Introduction. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.ID=22925059
Priporočena literatura:
- Blackledge, D., Hunt, B. (1985). Sociological interpretation of education. New York, London: Routledge.
- Dewey, J. (1997). Democracy and Education. New York: The Free Press.
- Giddens, A. (2000). Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Poglavje "Education".
- Laval, C. (2005). Šola ni podjetje. Neoliberalni napad na javno šolstvo. Ljubljana: Krtina
- Saha, L.J. (1997). International Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Education. Oxford, New York, Tokyo: Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd.
REVIJE: Sociology of Education, British Journal of Sociology of Education, International Studies in Sociology of Education, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, The Sociology of Education Abstracts, JCEPS- The Journal for Critical Educational Policy Studies