Italian 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Mertelj Darja, doc. dr. Premrl Podobnik Mirjam
Development of the knowledge of Italian as a foreign language at the level A2 according to the CEFL (2001):
Comprehension of standard written texts in common use.
The comprehension of standard oral texts marked with clear, natural pronunciation, which are used in predictable situations (television and radio news, discussions, debates).
Gradually gaining independent use of written and oral skills in common communication situations with clear communication purpose (narration, planning, description).
Study of civilization and cultural aspects of Italy.
During the process of gaining communication competence a special emphasis is put on the following language/grammar aspects:
- verb tense: use of the past tenses, future tenses, past perfect tense (forms and basic uses, contrastive aspects with Slovenian as L1)
- verbal mode: indicative, imperative, conditional (forms and basic uses, contrastive aspects with Slovenian as L1),
- some phrasal verbs (II),
- text coherence: use of basic connectors (II),
- syntax (II): understanding of approximately half of all types of subordinate clauses or syntactic patterns, active use of most frequent types from some groups of subordinate patterns.
Temeljno gradivo:
Danila Piotti, Giulia de Savorgnani, Universitalia, prva tretjina učbenika (prvih 6 učnih enot, tj. 1. do 6.), Firenze, Alma, 2010. COBISS.SI-ID - 52476514
Maria Teresa Arbia, Pons. Slovnica kratko pregledno. Italijanščina, Preglednica v knjižni obliki, Ljubljana, Rokus, 2005. COBISS.SI-ID - 222455808
Dodatno gradivo:
- Susanna Nocchi, Grammatica pratica della lingua italiana, Firenze, Alma, 2006 (druga tretjina priročnika).
- Ciro Massimo Naddeo, Quaderni del PLIDA: L'italiano scritto, parlato, certificato [livello A2], Firenze, Alma, 2009.
- Cinzia Ciulli, Anna Lia Proietti, Da zero a cento : test di (auto)valutazione sulla lingua italiana, Firenze, Alma, 2005 (samo za raven A2).
- Silvia Consonno, Elena Rossin, Piazza Italia, agili percorsi per rivisitare la lingua e civilta' d'Italia [A1/B1], Firenze, Alma, 2010, vmesna tretjina priročnika.
- poljuben slovar ita-slo, slo- ita, ita-ita