Educational Gerontology
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Furlan Meta, doc. dr. Šarić Marjeta, prof. dr. Ličen Nives, prof. dr. Potočnik Slavič Irma
Conceptual framework: theories of aging, geragogy, educational gerontology, tanatogogy, education and learning of older adults in the context of lifelong learning.
Research methodology in the field of education for older adults; selected research methods.
Theories of learning and education in late adulthood. Knowledge and identity in late adulthood.
Social and cultural factors affecting education in old age.
Individual differences in aging, cognitive, emotional, cultural differences affecting education of older adults.
Different target groups in education for older adults (older workers, older adults after retirement, older adults with chronic illness, older adults in local community, older adults in tourism …).
Educational system for older adults: degree of organisation and various providers (university of the third age, popular university, NGO, political party …).
Planning, realising and evaluating education for older adults.
Various fields of education (art, health, work, family, religion, emotions, loss in late life …).
Selected educational strategies (guiding and counselling, mentoring, intergenerational learning and education).
Cordela, M., Poiani, A. (2021). Fulfilling Ageing. Psychosocial and Communicative Perspectives on Ageing. Heidelberg: Springer. [Izbrana poglavja za projektno delo] ID - 102470915
Findsen, B., Formosa, M. (ur.) (2016). International perspectives on older adult education: research, policies and practice. Heidelberg: Springer. [Izbrana poglavja za projektno delo] ID=59622498
Krajnc, A., Findeisen, D., Ličen, N., Ivanuš-Grmek, M., Kunaver, J. (2013). Posebnosti izobraževanja starejših. Ljubljana: Društvo za izobraževanje za tretje življenjsko obdobje. ID=269916416
Kump, S., Jelenc-Krašovec, S. (2010). Prestari za učenje?: vzorci izobraževanja in učenja starejših. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. ID=248974592
Schaie, K.W., Willis, S. (ur.) (2015). Handbook of the Psychology of Aging. Boston: Academic Press. [Izbrana poglavja za projektno delo] ID=15387490
Ličen, N. in Mezgec, M. (ur.). (2022). Homo senescens: Dolgoživost in izobraževanje starejših. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze v Ljubljani. ID=121417475