History of Adult Education
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Govekar Okoliš Monika
- The definition of history of adult education and its basic concepts. Assignments, objectives and specific features of development research the history of adult education. Sources and criticism of them for the history of adult education.
- The beginnings of the history of adult education in the world (Gratan, Pöggeler, et al.). The importance of "natural" learning. The development of "school" learning and education. The importance of adult education for the development of human communities and the role of an adult in the initial communities.
- Adragogical views in antiquity. Greece – Sophists and protagonists of adult education: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Rome - the importance of philosophers (Stoics, Eklekticists, Skepticists). Development of Christianity, Christian philosophy and the first school for adults. Development of institutionalization of adult education.
- Formal and non-formal education for adult in the Middle Ages. The origins of early medieval of education – Catholic Philosophy and Education of Augustine. Development of monasticism and its impact on adult education (Cassiodorrum and Carolinum educational program, Alkuinum education system, ...). Adult Education in the High Middle Ages (monasteries and monastic schools, cathedral schools and boarding education, urban schools, .... The late medieval adult education (chivalry and Courtly education, the meaning of scholasticism, education "mendicant orders," education secular clergy, the medieval universities, vagans, non-formal education of citizens and of farmers).
- Educational ideas in the Renaissance (Macchiavelli, Campanella, et al.), Humanism (Rotterdam, Moore, et al.), the Reformation (Luther, Reuchlin, Hutten, Trubar, et al.) And the Counter-Reformation. The beginnings of a mass adult literacy.
- Adult education during the period of Enlightenment (Comenius, Leibnitz, Locke, Rousseau, Condorcet, et al.) and the development of extensive literature of the Enlightenment and its impact on functional adult literacy.
- The meaning of classicism, romanticism and idealism for adult education (Herder, Pestalozzi Schiller, Fichte, et al.).
- Development of institutional formal and non-formal adult education in the world at the end of the 18th and 19th century. The first institutions for adult education in Denmark. Development of adult education in England. Institutional development of adult education in Sweden. Development and characteristics of mailing of adult education in the world.
- The beginnings of institutional formal and non-formal adult education in Germany, France,Italy, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Soviet Union and the United States in the 19th and early 20th century and characteristic species, forms and methods of adult education. Development and characteristics of adult education in a distance learning.
- The impact of the operation of formal and non-formal adult education in the world in the development of formal and non-formal adult education in Slovenian and characteristic forms and methods of education.
- Creation a permanent adult education in the world and further development of lifelong learning and adult education in the world and in our country.
• Bezenšek, J., Jug, J. in Lipnik J. (1997). Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah – obdobje med obema vojnama. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 3. zvezek, Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 25. ID=97144576
• Filla, W., Gruber, E. in Jug, J. (1997). Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah – obdobje razsvetljenstva. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 2. zvezek, Moderna organizacija. Kranj, str. 176. ID=64390656
• Filla, W., Gruber, E. in Jug, J. (1998). Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah – obdobje med obema vojnama. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 6. zvezek, Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 172. ID=97144576
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2002). Vpliv izobraževanja na prebujanje nacionalne identitete v 19. stoletju: čitalnice, društva, tabori kot prve oblike izobraževanja odraslih. Andragoška spoznanja, št. 1, let. 8, str. 38-47. ID=45586176
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (1998). Prosvetno izobraževalno delo v obdobju med vojnama (1918-1941) na Primorskem. Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 6 zvezek, Moderna organizacija, Kranj str. 82-88. (172 str.). ID=97144576
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2000). Razvoj izobraževalnih centrov v podjetjih in njihovi trendi v devetdesetih letih v Sloveniji. Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah. Obdobje od 1990-1998. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 11 zvezek. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 59-68. (224 str.). ID=110399232
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2009). Protestantizem ter vzgoja in izobraževanje odraslih na Slovenskem. Šolska kronika. Zbornik za zgodovino šolstva in vzgoje, 2009, letn.18 (XLII ), št. 2, str. 364-378. ID=51623936
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2011). Od permanentnega izobraževanja k vseživljenjskemu izobraževanju in učenju. V: VIDMAR, Tadej (ur.), AKSMAN, Joanna (ur.). Pedagoško-andragoške razprave v Sloveniji in na Poljskem po prelomu stoletja. 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2011, str. 117-132. ID=254740480
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2014). Secondary school legislation in Austria (1849-1914) and its effects on efforts to establish the Slovene language in grammar schools in the Primorska region. Annales, Series historia et sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, 2014, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 261-276. ID=71952128
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2017). The Role of Grammar Schools in Forming the national Identity of the Slovenes Within Austria from 1849 to 1914. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. ID=65563746
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2018). Teacher education within Slovenian and Croatian regions from 1867 to 1914. Review of Croatian history, ISSN 1845-4380, 2018, vol. 14, br. 1, str. 173-198. ID=55454209
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2019). Women's teacher education in Slovenian and Croatian lands of Austria-Hungary : a comparative analysis. Časopis za suvremenu povijest, ISSN 0590-9597, 2019, sv. 51, br. 2, str. 591-616. ID=4056066
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2019). The influence of Slovenian teachers on the development of the Slovenian community in Austria-Hungary. V: ERMENC, Klara S. (ur.), MIKULEC, Borut (ur.). Building inclusive communities through education and learning. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 2019, str. [201]-219. ID=70084450
• Jug, J. (2000). Prispevki k zgodovini izobraževanja odraslih (1774-1918). Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih. 10. zvezek. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 472. ID=107472640
• Jug, J. in Pöggeler, F. (1996). Demokracija in izobraževanje odraslih – ideološke spremembe in posledice. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 1. zvezek, Moderna organizacija, Kranj. ID=54951424
Priporočena literatura:
• Benn, R. in Fieldhouse, R. (1998). The Role of Adult Learning in Promoting Active Citizenship in Britain in the Twentieth Century. Adult Education and Democratic Citizenship II. Impuls Publisher Krakov, str. 41-50.
• Ficko, M. (1999). Ljudske univerze 1919-1941. Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah. Zbirka zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 8. zvezek. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 276-296.
• Hojan, T. (1999). Izobraževanje odraslih (1918-1945). Prispevki k zgodovini izobraževanja odraslih, 8 zvezek, Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 38-93.
• Jarvis, P. (1991). Twentieth Century Thinkers in Adult Education. Routledge. London and New York, str. 214.
• Mohorčič-Špolar,V. (2000). Ljudske in delavske univerze v obdobju od 1945. do 1990. leta…Prispevki k zgodovini izobraževanja odraslih 1945-1990, 3. del. Zbirka zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih, 9. zvezek. Moderna organizacija,Kranj, str. 153-199.
• Ozvald, K. (1927). Kulturna pedagogika. Slovenska šolska matica, Ljubljana, 254 str.
• Serše, A. (1997). Izobraževanje odraslih. Obrtno šolstvo od Marije Terezije do 1848. Zbirka Zgodovina izobraževanja odraslih v srednjeevropskih državah, Obdobje razsvetljenstva, 2. zvezek, Moderna organizacija, Kranj, str. 149-157.
• Žgeč, F. (1923). Problemi vzgoje najširših plasti našega naroda. Učiteljska tiskarna, Ljubljana, 109 str.
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