Psychology of consumers
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Babnik Katarina
Psychological foundations of consumer behaviour:
a conceptual framework of the study, theoretical and practical approach to research consumer's behaviour.
The basic models of consumer behaviour:
a comparative analysis of models of internal, psychological variables: motivation, perception, learning, attitudes, emotions, environmental influences, or external variables: family, reference group; culture, the situation of the product.
Consumer decision-making processes:
identification of a problem, finding information and alternative solutions, assessing and evaluating alternatives, post-acquisition behaviour.
Customer behaviour in organizational markets:
the nature of organizational purchases and individual behaviour, models of organizational purchase behaviour.
Using the theories and models of consumer behaviour:
design and verification strategies, tactics and elements of marketing and marketing communications, consulting in the field of legal protection and self-protection of human behaviour in the field of purchasing goods, products and services.
Izbrana poglavja v obsegu 2 KT iz:
- Izbrana poglavja iz: Solomon, M (2015). Consumer behavior (11th. ed). London: Prentice Hall. COBISS.SI-ID - 22305766
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