Literature and the Media
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Perenič Urška
Presentation and analysis of various forms of literature in integration with other media:
- A literary text and film;
- A literary text and radio, TV;
- A literary text and theater;
- A literary text and music;
- A literary text and the visual arts;
- A literary text and the internet;
- A literary text and advertising.
Students observe on concrete examples how the literary text passes into other media, how its message and meaning change and how the desired impact on receivers can be accomplished. Students will study examples of the influence of other media on writing literary texts. The course analyzes procedures of adapting literary texts for theater or film, compares narrative structure of the novel, film and television genres, analyzes the texts of musical compositions and opera librettos, the relationship between verbal and visual message (comics, picture-books, concrete poetry, advertisement ...). During the course a number of specific examples and methodological approaches are introduced. The emphasis of the course changes from year to year.
- A. Briggs & P. Burke: Socialna zgodovina medijev. Ljubljana: Sophia, 2005. COBISS.SI-ID - 221968384
- J. Vogrinc: Televizijski gledalec. Ljubljana: SH, 1995. COBISS.SI-ID – 52939520)
- Stanko Šimenc: Slovensko klasično slovstvo v filmu. Ljubljana: Mestno gledališče ljubljansko, 1979. COBISS.SI-ID – 5321472
- Slovenska literatura in film (več avtorjev): Literatura, št. 127–128, 2002, str. 49–116. COBISS.SI-ID - 3468546
- D. Bordwell: Narration in the fiction film. London, New York: Routledge, 1988 COBISS.SI-ID - 50922850
- Literatura in teater. Literatura, 18/175–176 (2006). 96–190. COBISS.SI-ID - 3468546
Priporočena literatura:
- H. Schanze (ur.): Handbuch der Mediengeschichte. Stuttgart 2001.
- H. Schanze (ur.): Lexikon Medientheorie/Medienwissenschaft. Ansätze – Personen – Grundbegriffe Stuttgart/Weimar 2002.