Theory of Education
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kroflič Robert
- connection between theory of education and antropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology and theory of law;
- definitons of basic pedagogical phenomena: education, instruction, socialization, manipulation, indoctrination;
- education in functional and institutional environment;
- first pedagogical questions in european tradition: enculturation in mesopotamian mythology, (im)possibility of education in Antiquity and middle ages (Socrates, Augustinus, Aquinas);
- philosophical background of basic enlightment educational paradigms: Kanr, Rousseau, Hume;
- zheoretical background of european educational paradigms of 19. and 20. century: Herbartism, gestwissenshaft pedagogy, critical pedagogy, profressive pedagogy;
- basic traditional and contemporary ethical ideas and definitions of educational goals and process;
- new learning theories and psychological development theories and their influence to the understanding of educational process;
- sociological theories of modernization, social anomie, changes of socialization patterns and their pedagogical dimensions;
- the influence of traditional and contemporary law on the legitimization of education;
- analysis od sellected theoretical questions on education: question on relations between power of education, authority and pedagogical eros, question on educational goals and principles of autonomay and authenticity, question on direct and indirect educational factors, education between intentionality and planning, education between social deternimation, the influence on individual dimmensions of personality and antropological ideals, education and values o0f late modernity (tollerance, inclussion, democracy), spiritual dimmension of education.
● Kroflič, R. Avtoriteta v vzgoji. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče 1997. 352 str. ID=69216000
● Kroflič, R. Etična in politična dimenzija projekta Reggio Emilia. V: Devjak, T. idr. (ur.). Pedagoški koncept Reggio Emilia in Kurikulum za vrtce : podobnosti v različnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta, 2010, str. 11-66. ID=43756898
● Kroflič, R. Vzgoja za odgovornost onkraj razsvetljenske paradigme: od razvoja odgovora-zmožnosti k spoštljivemu odnosu in razvoju etične zavesti. Sodobna pedagogika, 2007, letn. 58, posebna izd., str. 56-71. ID=34310498
● Kroflič, R. Etične in/ali pravne osnove vzgojnih konceptov javne šole/vrtca, Sodobna pedagogika, 2003/4, str. 8-29. 18 str. ID=24687714
● Kroflič, R. Umetnost kot induktivna vzgojna praksa. V:. Kulturno žlahtenje najmlajših : razvoj identitete otrok v prostoru in času preko raznovrstnih umetniških dejavnosti. Ljubljana: 2010. Str. 24-39. ID=44254306
Relevant articles from national and foreign literature, available in the libraties and web.