Methodology of Intercultural Studies
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Sernelj Tea, prof. dr. Rošker Jana
Critical reflection on fundamental political, economic and ethical questions and problems of intercultural studies. The role of eurocentrism and orientalism, recognition and critical evaluation of orientalistic discourses and eurocentric elements in contemporary theory of humanistic and social studies. The concept of eurocentrism and its political implications in historical context. The analysis and interpretations of texts and other processes of scientific research including the consideration of specific issues of intercultural studies. The basics of postcolonial studies and their integration into contemporary intercultural theoretical discourses.
- Amir Samin: Evrocentrizem, kritika neke ideologije. Založba Sophia, Ljubljana, 2009. COBISS.SI-ID 248774656
- Edward W. Said: Orientalizem: zahodnjaški pogled na Orient. Založba Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1996. COBISS.SI-ID 66070272
- Boaventura de Sousa Santos: Epistemologies of the South – Justice against Epistemicide, Routledge, London, 2016. COBISS.SI-ID 33237853
- Jana S. Rošker: Na ozki brvi razumevanja – medkulturna metodologija v sinoloških študijah. Filozofska fakulteta, 2005. COBISS.SI-ID 222187008
- Nira Yuval – Davis. Spol in nacija. Založba Sophia, Ljubljana, 2009. COBISS.SI-ID 249176576
- Franz Fanon: Črna koža, bele maske. Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 2016. COBISS.SI-ID 287286272