Slovene Prose 1900-1950
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Jež Andraž
The course deals alternately deals with different prose genres and forms (ballads, autobiographical novel, a historical tale ...) in different generations; students study the work of the most important classical (Cankar, Tavčar Kveder, Bartol, Kozak, Kraigher, Bevk ...), and inferior, but from the historic point of view influential authors (Malovrh, Rehar, Urbanija), different periods and literary currents. The course demonstrates the creative and receptive continuity. The most comprehensive genre corpora in Slovenian literature is historic and rustic tale, women's, family and romance novel, adventure, Sci-Fi tale, calendar short story. Each one of them contains different types of genre. Particularly strong are the genres of juvenile and trivial literature. At the forefront is the sociological and psychological perspective that show integration of literary production in the national representative mechanisms and complementary entertainment function of literature.
- Miran Hladnik: Trivialna literatura. Ljubljana: DZS, 1983 (Literarni leksikon, 21); COBISS.SI-ID 11190273
- Povest. Ljubljana: DZS, 1991 (Literarni leksikon, 36); COBISS.SI-ID 23450624
- Slovenska kmečka povest. Ljubljana: Prešernova družba, 1990; COBISS.SI-ID 20910592
- Slovenski zgodovinski roman – vse tudi na spletu; COBISS.SI-ID 245948160
- Andrijan Lah: Mali pregled lahke književnosti. Ljubljana: Rokus, 1997. COBISS.SI-ID 69516800
Po eno ali več del proznih klasikov tega obdobja: Cankar, Tavčar, Kveder, Pregelj, Vl. Levstik, Bevk, Finžgar, Jalen, Kozak, Bartol, Kraigher, Prežih, Kranjec, Kosmač.