General History of Early Modern Times
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Štuhec Marko
The concept of the early modern age; formation of the early modern age state; demographic movements from 1300 to 1750 in Europe and the world; European economy in the 16th century; geographic discoveries of the Europeans; non-European world at the time of European expansion; the beginning of colonial empires; consequences of European discoveries; Humanism and Renaissance; print and media revolution; reformation in Europe; anti-reformation and Catholic reform; basic moves of domestic and foreign policies in 16th, 17th and first half of 18th century; non-European countries, societies and cultures in 16th century and their contact with European culture; economic standstill and European crisis in the 17th century; absolutism; English parliamentarism; laicization of politics; economy in 17th century; Mercantilism; world trade and first globalization; religion in 17th century; beginning of the new scientific paradigm; social groups and social conflicts in early modern Europe; social disciplining and changes of behavioural patterns; culture of elites, folk culture and everyday life in pre-industrial Europe; gender relations and intergenerational relations from 16th to 18th century; body, health, sickness and medicine in early modern Europe; non-European countries, societies and cultures in 17th and first half of 18th century.
F. Braudel, Materialna civilizacija, ekonomija in kapitalizem: XV.-XVIII. stoletje: Strukture vsakdanjega življenja I, Ljubljana 1988, str. 117-216. COBISS.SI-ID – 6848512
Habsburžani: zgodovina evropske dinastije. Ljubljana, 1994, str. 61-276 COBISS.SI-ID – 38746880
Renesansa ; 16. stoletje. Zbirka Človek in čas. Ljubljana, 1998, str. 114-215. COBISS.SI-ID – 72987648
Absolutizem ; Napoleonova doba. Zbirka Človek in čas. Ljubljana, 1998, str. 12-111 COBISS.SI-ID - 72845824
N. Davies, Zgodovina Evrope, Ljubljana 2013, str. 365-635 COBISS.SI-ID – 267535104
Priporočena literatura:
E. Wolf, Evropa in ljudstva brez zgodovine I, Ljubljan, 1998, str. 191-229 in 280-328. COBISS.SI-ID - 79588096
P. Burke, Evropska renesansa, Ljubljana 2004, 369 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 216356608
G. Bock, Ženske v evropski zgodovini, Ljubljana, 2004, str. 11-57. COBISS.SI-ID - 215367936
W. Roesner, Kmetje v evropski zgodovini, Ljubljana 2007, str. 84- 174 COBISS.SI-ID - 236105728
B. Kümin (ur.), The European World 1500-1800. An Introduction to Early Modern History, London-New York, 2014, 365 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 54182754