Slovenian History of the 19th Century
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Selišnik Irena
Emphasis is on the following topic sets:
- Characteristics and dynamics of economic modernization of the Slovenian space compared to the other areas of the Habsburg Monarchy.
- Demographic development and gradual change of the social structure of the population in the Slovenian area.
- Characteristics of the process of national development of Slovenians compared to other nations of the Habsburg Monarchy (from elite nationalism to mass movement).
- Slovenian-German (Italian, Hungarian) relations.
- Development of the typical ideological-political configuration in the process of political democratization of the monarchy (differences by states).
- Slovenian self-image (the sense of jeopardy, finding allies, Yugoslav/Slavic idea).
- Slovenian politics in the national assembly.
- The attitude of Slovenians to the Habsburg monarchy.
- Secularization of Slovenian Society and pillarization.
1. Peter Vodopivec, Od Pohlinove slovnice so samostojne države : slovenska zgodovina od konca 18. stoletja do konca 20. stoletja. Modrijan, Ljubljana, 2006, 560 str. ID - 226123264
2. Slovenska novejša zgodovina, 1848-1991. I. del. INZ: Ljubljana, 2005 (poglavja do leta 1914) ID - 221408256
3. Janez Cvirn: Razvoj ustavnosti in parlamentarizma v Habsburški monarhiji : dunajski državni zbor in Slovenci (1848-1918), Ljubljana, 2006, 320 str. ID – 229253632
4. Ostala literatura odvisna od tem.