Material Culture
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Valič Urša
A brief history of the study of material culture in connection with anthropology and archeology from the first beginnings in the middle of the 19th century (study of material remains, understanding of culture and society through objects) to modern studies of material culture from the 1970s onwards (cultural materialism - M. Harris, post-structuralism – eg. understanding taste – P. Bourdieu, understanding relations between words, power and things - M. Foucault; consumerism studies). Understanding material culture from contemporary perspective of the phenomenological, ontological and material turn (B. Latour, T. Ingold, A. Appadurai, C. Tilley, D. Miller, D. Hicks). A brief history of the study of material culture in Slovenia. Understanding material culture through the understanding of everyday objects, the relationships between them and the relationships between people and objects (objects and their agency in relation to people), in the context of concrete environments and through modern sensory and non-verbal research. Research methods, methodological approaches to research with elements of material culture (S. Woodward).
Study of fashion, clothing culture, nutrition, interior design, tools, games and toys, sports, entertainment and decoration, machinery, transport, photography, cybernetics, informatics, trade, consumerism, money, museums (museum objects), kultural heritage etc. Interdisciplinary research in the field of material culture (methodological and theoretical dialogue between different sciences).
1. APPADURAI, Arjun, ur. 2010 (1986). The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective. Cambridge University Press. [COBISS.SI-ID - 50402146]
2. BAUDRILLARD, Jean. 1999. Simulaker in simulacija. Popoln zločin. Ljubljana: ŠOU, Študentska založba (Koda). [COBISS.SI-ID - 80103936]
3. BRAUDEL, Fernand. 1991 (1979). Strukture vsakdanjega življenja: Materialna civilizacija, ekonomija in kapitalizem. 1. in 2. del. Ljubljana: ŠKUC in Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete. [COBISS.SI-ID - 6848512]
4. BUCHLI, Viktor, ur. 2002. The Material culture reader. London in New York: Rooutledge. [COBISS.SI-ID - 34443362]
5. GODINA GOLIJA, Maja, Vanja HUZJAN, Špela LEDINEK LOZEJ (ur.). 2021. Govorica predmetov. Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. [COBISS.SI-ID – 54814211]; URN:NBN:SI:DOC-R1WZMRKM
6. HICKS, Dan and Mary C. BEAUDRY, ur. 2010, The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies. Oxford: Oxford Academic. [COBISS.SI-ID - 30091869]
7. HENARE, Amiria, HOLBRAAD, Martin in WASTELL, Sari, ur. 2007. Thinking trough Things: Theorising Artefacts Ethnographically. London, New York: Routledge. [COBISS.SI-ID - 35572834]
8. MILLER, Daniel. 2016. Materialna kultura. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis. . [COBISS.SI-ID - 288309760]
9. MILLER, Daniel. 2017. Potrošnja in njene posledice. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis. [COBISS.SI-ID - 291488512]
10. MLEKUŽ, Jernej, ur. 2011. Klepetavi predmeti: ko predmeti spregovorijo o nas in drugih. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2011. [2011. COBISS.SI-ID – 258491136]; URN:NBN:SI:doc-ZP9TJLPN
11. MLEKUŽ, Jernej, ur. 2015. Venček domačih: Predmeti, Slovencem sveti. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. [COBISS.SI-ID – 278149376]; URN:NBN:SI:doc-XEJDQ50U
12. PEARCE, Susan M., ur. 1997. Experiencing Material Culture in the Western World. London: Leicester University Press. [COBISS.SI-ID - 6183223]
13. PETROVIĆ, Tanja in MLEKUŽ, Jernej, ur. 2016. MADE IN YU. Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Kulturni spomin). [COBISS.SI-ID – 283752192]
14. TILLEY, Christopher in drugi. 2006. Handbook of material culture. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage. [COBISS.SI-ID - 52293986]
15. WOODWARD, Sophie. 2020. Material Methods: Researching and Thinking with Things. Los Angeles, London: Sage. [COBISS.SI-ID – 43082243]