Medieval and humanistic Latin culture
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Weiss Sonja, izr. prof. dr. Movrin David
- chronological survey of Medieval and Humanistic Latin culture, highlighting its major authors, is supported by seminary readings of selected texts
- getting acquainted with the fundamental manuals and literature
- autonomous reading, translating and interpreting sources (original texts)
Survey of periods, focusing on the culture related to literature and art:
- Late Antiquity (350-750 AD)
- Early and High Middle Ages
- High and Late Middle Ages
- Humanism and Renaissance
- the medieval Latin culture and Slovene humanistic culture
- Curtius, E. R.: Evropska literatura in latinski srednji vek. Ljubljana 2002 COBISS.SI-ID – 120421376
- Du Cange, C.: Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis Paris 1840 COBISS.SI-ID – 781577
- Keen, M. H.: Srednjeveška Evropa. Ljubljana 1993 COBISS.SI-ID – 33742080
- Gilson, É.: Duh srednjeveške filozofije. Ljubljana 2002 COBISS.SI-ID – 121622016
- Grundmann, H.: Zgodovinopisje v srednjem veku: zvrsti, obdobja, posebnosti. Ljubljana 2000. COBISS.SI-ID – 108416512
- Guerber, H.: Middle ages. London 1994 COBISS.SI-ID – 805180
- Lexikon des Mittelalters, München 1977-1999, ponatis 2002 (tudi CD) COBISS.SI-ID – 16151552
- Mantello, F.-Rigg, A. G.: Medieval Latin, Washington 1996 COBISS.SI-ID – 26213986 in Medieval Latin : an introduction and bibliographical guide: EBSCOhost
- Niermeyer, J. F.: Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus. Leiden 1976 COBISS.SI-ID – 14223107
- Simoniti, P.: Humanizem na Slovenskem in slovenski humanisti do srede XVI. stoletja. Ljubljana 1979 COBISS.SI-ID – 4630017
- Simoniti, P.: Srednjeveški cvetnik: latinska lirika srednjega veka. Ljubljana 2000. COBISS.SI-ID – 109782784