Master's thesis and final MA examination
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 15
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Schlamberger Brezar Mojca
Pri zaključnem magistrskem izpitu študenti tolmačijo besedilo iz tujih jezikov v slovenščino, pri jeziku B tudi iz slovenskega v tuji jezik.
Pri magistrskem izpitu na programu Tolmačenje poleg izvajalcev programa sodelujejo še izpraševalci iz Evropske komisije in Evropskega parlamenta ter univerz iz združenja EMCI.
V magistrski nalogi se študentje samostojno znanstveno posvetijo enemu od področij uporabe tolmačenja (konferenčno, sodno, azilno, skupnostno, tolmačenje znakovnega jezika), zberejo in analizirajo obstoječe vire, postavijo svoje hipoteze in jih dokažejo ali ovržejo s konkretno analizo tolmačenja, predpisov za posamezno področje ali raziskujejo uporabo sodobnih tehnologij pri tolmačenju. Students interpret a text from foreign languages into Slovene, as well as from Slovene into the foreign language for language B.
In addition to the teachers in the Interpreting programme, examiners from the European Commission, the European Parliament and EMCI member universities also participate in the final MA examination.
For their MA thesis, students work individually when researching one of the areas of interpreting (conference, court, asylum, sign language), collecting and analysing existing resources, formulating their own hypotheses, proving or rejecting them with the analysis of interpreting data and regulations for individual areas, or explore the use of technological tools applied in interpreting.
The bibliography depends on the topic of the Master's thesis.