Proofreading of written and spoken texts S
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Štumberger Saška, prof. dr. Tivadar Hotimir
Students deepen and consolidate their knowledge about standard language norm and its meaningful use in communication (as text-forming process), as well as its "breaking" in terms of language or textual stigma.
Special attention is paid to deepening and strengthening syntactic norms and the narrative rules in written and spoken implementation, consolidation of word formation and lexicological knowledge.
Comparison of implementation of syntactic norms (especially word order, sentence typology, use of tenses, etc.) and narrative rules of individual text styles. Word-forming, lexical and phraseological relevance in texts of different styles.
Text editing on textual level: Question of text coherence. Editing (non-)fiction texts. The concept of so called minimal adjustment.
Specific forms of editing: editing translations, editing of written texts and spoken texts made for oral presentation (eg radio text).
The basic principles of proofreading. Proofreading as problem of language culture (relationship to language kotičkarstva). The ethics of proofreading work. Proofreader and editor. Proofreading and correction. Proofreading as part of a language consultancy.
- Erika Kržišnik, Jezik v Razseljeni osebi in Pustoti (Še enkrat o zvrstnosti). Jezik na odru, jezik v filmu, Ljubljana 1983, 308–311. COBISS.SI-ID 20710913
- Zgoščevalno lektoriranje teletekstov. Jezik in slovstvo XXXII, 1986/87, št. 1, 18–23. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- Pravopis v slovenski državi in slovenskem jezikoslovju. Slava (Ljublj.), 1992/93, let. 6, št. 1, str. 8–17. COBISS.SI-ID 16363522
- Katja Podbevšek: Prekodiranje govorjenega jezika v pisnega (lektorska izkušnja), Jezik in slovstvo 1990/91. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- Slavistična revija 2003/2 (polemika ob izidu SP 2001). COBISS.SI-ID 761092
- Tina Verovnik, Sodobni slovenski jezik med rabo, normo in kodifikacijo. V: Uvod v novinarske študije. 2005, 110–132. COBISS.SI-ID 221707776
- Poznavanje posameznih del s področje jezikovne kulture in jezikovnih kotičkov (npr. Jezikovno razsodišče 1980–1982, Trst, Celovec, 1984 COBISS.SI-ID 14617857; V. Gjurin: Slovenščina zdaj! Art agencija, 1991 COBISS.SI-ID 28831488; J. Sršen: Jezik naš vsakdanji. Gospodarski vestnik, 1992 COBISS.SI-ID 30388224).