German 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 120
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Podgoršek Saša
Course syllabus includes studying of original ethnologic and anthropologic texts of different types, accompanied by training of language knowledge so far achieved and learning of structures, typical for science in question. During the course the following will be emphasized: contrastive elements, systematical learning of subject-orientated terminology, developing of reading skills, introducing into older literature in printed and written gothic type.
Selected texts refer to different fields of research (f. ex. anthropology of religion, ethnologic museology, housing culture, anthropology of migrations, ethnology of Slavic and German countries, non-european ethnologies.) The selection of texts will depend on respective group (previous knowledge, dynamic of work).
Strokovna besedila (izbor, priredba in vaje: nosilka predmeta). Seminarsko literaturo si študenti po posvetu z lektorico izberejo sami (članki, monografije, spletne strani itd.).
1. Leskovec Redek, Christiane. 2014. Nemščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe II = Deutsch für Ethnologen und Kulturanthropologen II. 124 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 275180800
2. Debenjak, Doris, Primož in Božidar. 2003. Veliki slovensko-nemški slovar. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 120863744
3. Debenjak, Doris, Primož in Božidar. 2010. Veliki nemško-slovenski slovar. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID – 248247552
Materials and interactive exercises in the e-classroom.