Cultural History of the Western Slavs
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Rezoničnik Lidija, doc. dr. Sevšek Šramel Špela
The course Cultural History of the Western Slavs will shortly introduce students to the ethnogenesis of Slavs.
The course introduces students to the concepts of cultural-historical definition of the Western Slavic area in terms of linguogenesis of West-Slavic languages and literary/standard languages. The understanding of the historical processes of ethnic, confessional and linguistic belonging in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia is based on reading texts and other sources. Attention is also focused on the historically relevant areas of Galicia, Silesia, Lusatia, Carpathian Ruthenia and Transylvania.
Topics covered include: the Medieval chronicles as historiographical source, the role and position of Central European universities, the image of the Turk and migration, the idea of the Slavic Reciprocity, the German in Jewish question in the 20th century, cultural heritage, the role of dissidents and emigration.
Petr Čornej: A brief History of the Czech Lands to 2004. Praga: Prag Press 2005. COBISS.SI-ID 35214434
Elena Mannová, (ur.) Slovaška zgodovina. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica 2005, 18–103, 159–177, 204–261. COBISS.SI-ID 217264640
R. Štefan: Poljska književnost. Ljubljana: DZS 1960. COBISS.SI-ID 2329857
N. Jež: Vojeslav Mole – dvosmerno delovanje med Krakovom in Ljubljano. In: Ustvarjalnost Slovencev po svetu. SSJLK 2002, 133–146. COBISS.SI-ID 118947072
J. Vinkler: Posnemovalci, zavezniki in tekmeci. Češko-slovenski in slovensko-češki kulturni stiki v 19. stoletju. Koper: ZRC 2006. COBISS.SI-ID 228979712
D. Dvořaková: Barbara Celjska: črna kraljica (1392–1451). Celje: Mohorjeva družba 2019. COBISS.SI-ID 299058176