Greek World between the Hellenistic Era and Early Byzantium
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Cedilnik Alenka
(A) Roman expansion into the Hellenistic world (c. 200 – 30 B.C.) in an entire range of military engagements from the second Macedonian war to the Roman conquest of Egypt; forms of resistance of a military weaker, yet culturally stronger, Hellenistic world. The formation of Roman administrative regulation in the Hellenistic East.
(B) The Hellenistic East within the Roman Empire from Augustus to Diocletian; the administrative, social and economic image of the eastern Roman provinces; the cultural development of the Hellenistic world with special emphasis on the development of religious life in that time; Judaism and Christianity.
(C) The Roman East in the 4th century: the gradual domination of the East over the West within the Roman Empire; the foundation of Constantinople as a new capital of the Christian empire; civil wars and other types of rivalry between both parts of the empire.
(D) The East Roman Empire in the 5th and the first half of the 6th century: the crisis and the solution to it at a time when the empire in the West had fallen, followed by its efforts to rebuild the empire in its previous size. The issue of the attitude of Byzantium towards the Germanic successive countries in the territory of the former Roman West. The gradual transformation of the East Roman Empire into a mediaeval Byzantine Empire (national and social regulation, economy, culture, religion).
- A. Cedilnik, Ilirik med Konstantinom Velikim in Teodozijem Velikim, Ljubljana 2004, 388 str. (za 4. stoletje, regionalni vidik). COBISS.SI-ID - 213159936
- R. Bratož, Rimska zgodovina I. Od začetkov do nastopa cesarja Dioklecijana, Ljubljana 2007, 527 str. (za rimski prodor na helenistični vzhod in njegov razvoj v dobi rimskega cesarstva do Dioklecijana, splošni pregled). COBISS.SI-ID - 234823424
- G. Ostrogorski, Zgodovina Bizanca, Ljubljana 1961, 601 str. (za razdobje od 4. do 6. stoletja, splošni pregled) COBISS.SI-ID - 2224385
- Zbornik: R. Bratož (izd.), Westillyricum und Nordostitalien in der spätromischen Zeit, Ljubljana 1996, 407 str. (4. stoletje, regionalni vidik). COBISS.SI-ID - 58806016
- F. Lotter ter R. Bratož in H. Castritius kot sodelavca, Premiki ljudstev na območju Vzhodnih Alp in Srednjega Podonavja med antiko in srednjim vekom (375-600), Ljubljana 2005 (5. in 6. stol., regionalni vidik) COBISS.SI-ID - 219786496
- A. Demandt, Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284 – 565 n. Chr., München 2007, 753 str. (za obdobje od 3. do 6. stoletja, splošni pregled) COBISS.SI-ID – 26706477