Contemporary Slovenian History
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Repe Božo
The course deals with socio-political, economic, social and cultural history of Slovenians from the end of WWI at the entire ethnic area. Chronologically, the problem area is divided into five basic sets: the period between the two wars, the period of WWII, the period after WWII, the period of Slovenian independence and the period after the independence. The content sets equally include political, military, economic, social and cultural history, everyday life, scientific development and technological improvement and with it the changes in society. In political history the emphasis is on each social organization and inner political conditions and relations among political forces in Slovenia. The course is related to the history of Southeast Europe and general history.
D. Nećak, Božo Repe: Oris sodobne obče in slovenske zgodovine. Učbenik za študente 4. letnika, Ljubljana 2003, 342 str. ID - 124319744
B. Repe: Jutri je nov dan. Slovenci in razpad Jugoslavije, Ljubljana 2002, 459 str. ID - 116740608
D. Nećak, B. Repe: Prelom 1914 -1918. Svet in Slovenci v prvi svetovni vojni, Ljubljana 2005, 297 str. ID – 223156480
D. Nećak, B. Repe: Kriza. Svet in Slovenci od prve svetovne vojne do sredine tridesetih let, Ljubljana 2008, 268 str. ID – 241564416
Božo Repe, Rdeča Slovenija. Tokovi in obrazi socializma. Ljubljana: Sophia, 2003. COBISS.SI-ID – 126516224
Slovenija, moja dežela : družbena revolucija v osemdesetih letih / Božo Repe, Darja Kerec. Ljubljana, 2017. COBISS.SI-ID - 288528640
Literatura za posamezna tematska obdobja oziroma sklope bo navedena pri predavanjih.