Late Medieval and Renaissance Art in Western Europe I
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Germ Martin
Students get acquainted with the development of gothic art from early gothic in 12th century up to the late periods that stretch well into the 16th century. The historical context of architecture and visual arts is considered and explained, the evolution of stylistic, iconographical and functional innovations in European painting, sculpture, architecture and urbanism of the period are presented. The main focus is on artistically leading countries such as France, Italy, Germany and England, though the development of gothic art in other countries is also taken into consideration. Great architects, painters, sculptors are presented with their masterpieces. Special attention is paid to the complexity of relations between individual artists, regions and countries. At the same time, social, cultural, religious and intellectual factors are discussed.
The main fields of artistic creativity are presented in chronological order and according to main artistic centres. In the representative works of art, the stylistic, formal and iconographic characteristics are analysed.
Due attention is devoted to the development of the essential iconographic motives of Christian art, though the early development of the portrait, the nude and the landscape is also presented. In architecture different building types are discussed in historical and regional context. Gothic cathedral, its characteristics and evolution is one of the central topics, though other important buildings such as late medieval castles and town palaces are also discussed. The overview of sculpture concentrates on the works in stone, wood, ivory and precious metals. The representation of painting focuses on stained glass, manuscript illumination, frescoes and panel painting. The close interaction of different fields of artistic production is an important issue (most evidently demonstrated in gothic cathedral as the »Gesamtkunstwerk«).
The course pays special attention to the masterpieces of individual painters and sculptors of late gothic art. Students also get acquainted with key iconographic themes and motives that reflect the contemporary understanding of social circumstances, religion and everyday life.
Temeljna literatura:
Ustrezni zvezki iz vodilnih pregledov razvoja evropske umetnosti v zbirkah L'Univers des formes, Propyläen Kunstgeschichte (Supplementa), Pelican History of Art, zvezki zbirke The Renaissance in Europe itd. ter monografije posameznih umetnikov. Ob tem še izbrana dela za posamezna področja:
- Hans BELTING, Slika in njeno občinstvo v srednjem veku: oblika in funkcija zgodnjih tabelnih slik pasijona, Ljubljana 1991, COBISS.SI-ID – 27525632
- Alain ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG, Gothic Art, New York 1989, COBISS.SI-ID - 18794338
- Schmidt, GERHARD, Malerei der Gotik: Fixpunkte und Ausblicke, Graz 2005, COBISS.SI-ID - 29732450
- Tine GERM, Gotska arhitektura in kiparstvo: evropska umetnost poznega srednjega veka I, Ljubljana 2022, COBISS.SI-ID – 112106243
- Tine GERM, Gotsko slikarstvo Zahodne Evrope: evropska umetnost poznega srednjega veka II, Ljubljana 2022, COBISS.SI-ID - 127452931
- Louis GRODECKI in Catherine BRISAC, Gothic stained glass, 1200-1300, London 1985, COBISS.SI-ID – 50324066
- John POPE-HENNESSY: Italian Gothic Sculpture (An Introduction to Italian Sculpture vol. I), London 2000, COBISS.SI-ID - 12841058
- Willibald SAUERLAENDER, Gotische Skulptur in Frankreich, 1140-1270, München 1970, COBISS.SI-ID - 18130274
Ob posameznih poglavjih je na predavanjih navedena dodatna strokovna literatura.