Italian 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 120
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): lekt. mag. Brecelj Kaja Katarina
Refreshing and deepening the acquired knowledge and getting to know typical structures with emphasis on contrastive elements; systematic expansion of technical terminology; acquiring knowledge of grammar of the second half of the planned programme - main grammar topics of the Italian language; developing spoken and written production and developing reading and listening comprehension skills of authentic ethnological and anthropological texts with emphasis on the topics of: a) Stereotypes and national character of Italians; b) Traditional customs in Italy; c) Migration and (in)tolerance; d) Border regions; e) Mafia; f) Urban and cultural anthropology.
1. Nuovo Contatto A2 (M. Piantoni, R. Bozzone Costa, C. Ghezzi) COBISS.SI-ID - 57316450
2. Italijanščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe II (učbenik), Brecelj Kaja K., Filozofska fakulteta 2018. COBISS.SI-ID - 295899648
3. Skripta (strokovna besedila (izbor, priredba in vaje: nosilka predmeta)). COBISS.SI-ID - 52889698
1. Grammatica pratica della lingua italiana, S. Nocchi, ALMA Edizioni; 2. Grammatica essenziale della lingua italiana con esercizi, M. Mezzadri, Guarra Edizioni COBISS.SI-ID - 6326673
Gradiva (Vis, e-učilnica…):
http://www.oneworlditaliano.com/italiano/esercizi-di- italiano.htm