Classical and pre-classical sanskrit 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Repanšek Luka
Students expand their knowledge of descriptive Vedic and Sanskrit grammar. The emphasis is on the understanding and active orientation within the complex verbal system of Old Indic and acquaintance with the productive word-formation patterns. Through guided and gradually independent reading of non-adapted original texts they continue to build up their vocabulary and gain confidence in dealing with more demanding features of syntax.
MacDonell, A. A.: A Vedic Grammar for Students. Delhi, 1916. COBISS.SI-ID - 164696579
MacDonell, A. A.: A Sanskrit Grammar for Students. 3. izd. Oxford, (1989) COBISS.SI-ID 20684288
M. Mayrhofer, M.: Sanskrit Grammatik mit sprachvergleichenden Erläuterungen. 3. izd. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1978 in novejše izdaje. COBISS.SI-ID 8681570
Repanšek, L., devaś ca va asuraś caspardhanta. Berilo vedske proze – Vedic Prose Reader. Ljubljana, 2017.
Thumb, A., Hauschild R.: Handbuch des Sanskrit I–II, 3. izd. Heidelberg, 1959. COBISS.SI-ID 53853794
Ziegler, S.: Klassisches Sanskrit. Wiesbaden, (2012). COBISS.SI-ID 64263010
Repanšek, L.: Učbenik klasičnega sanskrta. Ljubljana, 2022. COBISS.SI-ID – 136027139