
01 241 1380 IN 01 241 1265

Office hours

Friday, 11:30-12:30, room 530 or via Zoom platform. Both only by prior arrangement.


530 IN 533A

Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies

Tch. Asst. Dr. Maja Kuhar

Maja Kuhar is an assistant at the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies. After completing her Bachelor's and Master's studies at the Department, she continued her education as a young researcher under the mentorship of Dr. Tanja Merčun Kariž. During her PhD study, she spent 2 months as a visiting researcher at Oslo Metropolitan University. In 2024, she completed her PhD with the dissertation "Use of the eye tracking method for designing and evaluating bibliographic information systems". After her PhD, she continues her research on user interfaces using the eye tracking method. Through her research she aims to understand the information behaviour and user experience in bibliographic information systems. She has work experience in special, school and academic libraries. Additionally, she is interested in introducing the role of therapy dogs in libraries.


KUHAR, Maja, MERČUN, Tanja. Navigating an online bookstore : user experience insights from eye-tracking and think-aloud. Knowledge organization. 2024, vol. 51, no. 5, str. 320-329, ilustr. ISSN 0943-7444., DOI: 10.5771/0943-7444- 2024-5-320. [COBISS.SI-ID 205930755]

KUHAR, Maja, MERČUN, Tanja. Exploring user experience in digital libraries through questionnaire and eye-tracking data. Library & Information Science Research : an international journal. [Print ed.]. Jul. 2022, vol. 44, iss. 3, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 0740-8188. Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.lisr.2022.101175. [COBISS.SI-ID 118643203],

KUHAR, Maja, KOLER-POVH, Teja. Odprta znanost in kako v njej prepoznajo svojo vlogo slovenski visokošolski knjižničarji = Open science and how the Slovenian academic librarians percieve their role in it. Knjižnica : revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti. [Tiskana izd.]. dec. 2018, 62, [št.] 4, str. 87-115, ilustr. ISSN 0023-2424. [COBISS.SI-ID 8706401]

KUHAR, Maja, MERČUN, Tanja. Navigating an online bookstore : user experience insights from eye-tracking and think-aloud. V: SVARRE, Tanja (ur.). ISKO-UK 2023 : the 7th ISKO UK Biennial Conference 2023 : proceedings of the 7th ISKO UK Biennial Conference 2023 : University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, July 24-25, 2023. [Aachen]: CEUR-WS, cop. 2023. [11] str., ilustr. CEUR workshop proceedings, vol. 3661. ISSN 1613-0073. [COBISS.SI-ID 201151235]

VANSCOY, Amy, MERČUN, Tanja, HANDS, Africa, KUHAR, Maja, ŠVAB, Katarina. Eliciting examples of theories in practice : a methodological discussion. V: Libraries in the digital age (LIDA) 2023 : Conference Theme: Information Everywhere : Osijek, Croatia, 24th - 26th May 2023. Osijek: [s. n.]. 2023, str. [5]. [COBISS.SI-ID 159840515]

VANSCOY, Amy, MERČUN, Tanja, HANDS, Africa, ŠVAB, Katarina, KUHAR, Maja. Which information behavior concepts bridge the gap from research to reference practice?. V: Making a diference : translating information research into practice, policy, and action : proceedings : 86th Annual Meeting, October 27- October 31, 2023, London, UK. Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023. Str. 1158-1160. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 60. ISSN 2373-9231., DOI: 10.1002/pra2.977. [COBISS.SI-ID 186672387]

KOLER-POVH, Teja, KUHAR, Maja. Kako visokošolski knjižničarji obvladujemo izzive odprte znanosti in kakšna so pričakovanja raziskovalcev = How Slovenian academic librarians handle the challenges in open science and what are the expectations of researchers. V: BEŠTER, Tomaž (ur.), VOVK, Damjana (ur.). Knjižnice - obvladovalke podatkov? : zbornik referatov = Data management in libraries : proceedings. Ljubljana: Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije: = Slovenian Library Association, 2019. Str. 89-110, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6683-42-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 8899425]

ŽUMER, Maja, JUG, Tjaša, KUHAR, Maja, MERČUN, Tanja, PAUMAN BUDANOVIĆ, Mihela, PISANSKI, Jan, ŠVAB, Katarina, ŠVAB, Katarina (urednik). Merjenje uporabniške izkušnje v bibliografskih informacijskih sistemih. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze, 2023. 121 str., ilustr. Bibliothecaria, 18. ISBN 978-961-297-139-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 159749635]


Complete bibliography

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses



09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics

15. 09. 2022
Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)

22. 02. 2022
Faculty of Arts

Online sessions for prospective international students, 22 February 2022 at 1.15 pm (CET)