Greek Metre
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Hriberšek Matej, prof. dr. Kavčič Jerneja
The course is divided into two sections:
1. In theoretical introduction basic types of verse systems verse systems are presented, characteristics of quantitative and qualitative verse systems and phonological elements, on which both systems are based. The historical development of quantitative verse system in Greece is presented and the formation of stress-accent based verse system.
2. In the second part singular verse forms are being introduced, both epic and lyric. Their general rules and ways of presentation are explained with emphasis on reproduction of rhythm of every verse, based on reading texts in metrical form.
Obvezna / Obligatory:
Gantar, K. Grške lirične oblike in metrični obrazci. Ljubljana 1979, str. 1-104. COBISS.SI-ID – 11193857
West, M. Introduction to Greek Metre. Oxford 1987 (novogrški prevod 2004), str. 1-102
Dodatna / Additional:
Koster, W.J.W. Traité de métrique grecque suivis d' un précis de métrique latine. Leyden 1953, str. 33-71.
Ocvirk, A. Evropski verzni sistemi in slovenski verz. Ljubljana 1980, str. 9-43.
Raven, D.S. Greek metre. An introduction. London 19682, str. 1-127.
West, M.L. Greek metre. Oxford 1982, str. 1-208.