Office hours

Since 1 October 2024 - 16 January 2025: Thursday 8:30-10:30
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June-September 2024:



Department of Geography

Prof. Dr. Marko Krevs

Studied geography and sociology of culture at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana - undergraduate study completed in 1990. Master and doctoral study of geography at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana completed in 1994 and 1999. 

Since 1990 employed at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana - as "young researcher", teaching assistant, and since 2000 as university teacher. 

Undergraduate courses: Human Geography 1, Geography of population and settlements, Introduction to methods for geographers, Geoinformatics 2 

Master courses: Geographic methods of scientific research, Geoinformatic support do decission-making, Advanced methods for geographers, Geoinformatic models, simulations and scenarios 

Course for doctoral students: Contemporary methods of geographic research

Leader of Geographic information and cartography laboratory (GIKL) since 1998. Head of department 2004-2006. 

Longer teaching involvements (entire courses): geography of quality of life, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanistic Studies, Koper 2003-2004; geographic methods, Department of Geography,  University of Tuzla, BIH 2004-2005; geographic information systems, Department of Geography, University of Sarajevo, 2006-2007; land-use simulation with GIS (with dr. Peter Mandl), Department of Geography, University of Klagenfurt, Austria 2005-2006.
Shorter teaching visits 1999 na Department of Geography, University of Graz, 2002 Institute of Geography, Sorbonne (Paris IV), 2003 and 2013 Department of Geography, University of Sarajevo, 2005 Department of Geography, University of Seville, 2005 Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, 2006 Department of Geography, New University of Lisbon and at Univesity in Beja, Portugal, 2017 Department of Geography, Egeian University in Mitillene, 2017 Department of Geography, University of Ostrava, 2019 Historical Institute of University in Podgorica, Montenegro.

Research interests: 

  • geographic aspects of quality of life 
  • topophilia, topophobia, sense of place
  • geographic stereotypes
  • methods in geography, geoinformatics, remote sensing
  • e-learning, ICT in education

Projects with focus on pedagogy / didactics of geography: 

  • 2019-2021 HUM@N - Digital transformation in Humanities, Erasmus+ (leading partner cooperation)
  • ICT in pedagogic study programmes at Univesity of Ljubljana, 2017-2018
  • Upgrading e-contents and functionality of portal, EU & Arnes, 2017-2018 (leading)
  • School on the Cloud, EU - Commenius, 2013-2016 
  •, EU - Commenius, 2010-2013 (leading partner cooperation)
  • 2003-2005 thematic network „ERIC - European Resources for Intercultural Communication“ (coordinating sub-network „Culture map“)
  • 2002-2009 Socrates/Erasmus thematic network on geography education „Herodot“
  • from 2000 Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Programmes "Sustainable coastline management", „Development perspectives of marginal upland areas in Europe“ (2004 leading local implementation in Slovenia); 2007-2010 (coordinating) „Europe's socio-cultural borders - inherited perceptions and the modern landscapes“; 2010-2013 "Europe's Islands: developmental perspectives"

Research and applicative projects: 

  • CLIO Map, 2019-2020 - Montenegro on the European Political and Cultural Map 
  • Designing electoral districts of Slovenia, 2019 
  • Research programme "Sustainable regional development of Slovenia", 2017-2020 
  • Integration of mobile devices into survey research in social sciences: development of comprehensive methodological approach, 2017-2020 
  • Basic research project ARRS, Patterns of human activities adaptation to environmental changes after the last glacial maximum in Slovenia, 2011-2014 
  • Remediation of environmental burdens as a sustainable development opportunity for Slovenia, MGRT, ARRS, 2011-2012 
  • 2008-2009 coordinating billateral cooperation project between Departments of Geography at Universities in Ljubljana and Belgrade
  • 2005 leading, Estimating offer and demand of land for construction for regionas and the country, Slovenia (MOP)
  • 2004-2005 leading, CRP "Comparison of settlements-related landuse changes between statistical regions in Slovenia 1991-2002: by selected urban and suburban areas" (MOPE, MŠZŠ)
  • 2003-2004 leading, Dynamics of settlements-related landuse changes in Slovenia 1991-2002 (MOPE)
  • 2001-2002 leading, Spatial differences in income of the population of Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL)
  • 2000 Designing electoral districts of Slovenia 
  • 1998-2001 Geographic analysis of Ljubljana and it's developmental perspectives 
  • 1999-2000 Society and social development of Slovenia (Institute of Geography of University of Ljubljana)
  • 1996 "Integrated Resource Planning - Sociotechnical and Policy Aspects" (Institute Jožef Stefan) 
  • 1996 Potentials of regional and spatial development of Lower Podravje and Prlekija
  • 1994-1995 Sustainable development in Slovenian Alps and neighbouring regions
  • 1994-1998 Geographic Atlas of Slovenia, National Atlas of Slovenia


  • Portal "Applicable Geography". KREVS, Marko (leading), REPE, Blaž, SKORUPAN, Mirsad, KIKEC, Tatjana, PRIMORAC, Ivan, PODREKA, Mitja, LIPOVŠEK, Igor, 2018-,  
  • Cankar's Space. KREVS, Marko, REPE, Blaž, KRAPEŽ, Marjetka, GRUM, Petra, 2018. 
  • Member of editorial boards: Ars & Humanitas (2007-2018), Geografica Pannonica (2008-), Human Geographies - Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography (2010-), Glasnik (2010-), Geographical Reviews - Journal of the Macedonian Geographic Society (2011-), Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO) (2011-), Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva (2016-), Dela (2016-)

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses



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Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

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13. 10. 2022
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EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics

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Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)

22. 02. 2022
Faculty of Arts

Online sessions for prospective international students, 22 February 2022 at 1.15 pm (CET)