Žiga Zwitter predaval v Zagrebu

25. maja je Žiga Zwitter na Oddelku za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Zagrebu predaval na temo The Role of Interdisciplinarity in Understanding the Environmental History of Species-Rich Meadows in the Alps from the Late Middle Ages to 2022. Triurno predavanje je potekalo v okviru Ekohistorijskega laboratorija Centra za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne studije Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu in CEEPUS projekta Ecology and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in Central, East and South-East Europe.

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Matjaž Kačičnik 2018 © Endangered Hermitages Project = Documenting Coptic Monastic Heritage Project

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)

Support and assistance by the University of Ljubljana