2014: PhD in History (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of History
2016–: Assistant Professor of General Contemporary History and Slovenian Contemporary History
2009–2013: young researcher (mentored by Prof. Marta Verginella, PhD)
2017–2022: member of the European research project EIRENE - Post-War Transitions in Gendered Perspective: the Case of the North Eastern Adriatic Region, headed by Prof. Marta Verginella, PhD.
2017: member of the SRA research project Oborožena meja: Politično nasilje v severnem Jadranu 1914–1941, headed by Borut Klabjan, PhD.
2014–2017: member of the SRA research project Women and the First World War, headed by Prof. Marta Verginella, PhD.
2014–2016: member of the SRA research project Multikulturna prijateljstva in narodne vezi na presečiščih slovenskega, italijanskega in nemškega sveta (1848–1941), headed by Prof. Marta Verginella, PhD.
2010–: member of the Working Group on the History of Eugenics and Race (HRE)
2009: the Prešeren Award of the Faculty of Arts for the best graduate thesis
History of science; gender history; demographic history.
Cergol Paradiž, Ana. 2018. Dinarska ali jadranska rasa? : italijanski znanstveni rasizem, severni Jadran in Balkan. Acta Histriae. 2018, letn. 26, št. 4, str. 1197-1216.
Cergol Paradiž, Ana. 2016. "Il destino delle madri nubili negli atti processuali sugli infanticidi e sugli aborti tra il 1860 e il 1910 nell?area triestina." Qualestoria (Sconfinamenti storiografici e attraversamenti di confini) 44, no 1: 81–98.
Cergol Paradiž, Ana and Verginella, Marta. 2016. “"Volemo pan, polenta e lavor": le proteste delle donne triestine, 1914–1918.” Genesis: rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche 15, no. 1: 87–112
Cergol Paradiž, Ana. 2015. Evgenika na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Sophia.
Cergol, Ana. 2015. “Yugoslavia I. (Slovenia).” In The history of East-Central European eugenics, 1900–1945: sources and commentaries, edited by Marius Turda, 363–419. London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Academic.
Cergol, Ana. 2010. "Illicit sexual relationships in the early 20th century: the issue of abortion." In Love and sexuality: anthropological, cultural and historical crossings, edited by Slađana Mitrović and Alja Adam, 155–163. Zagreb: Centre for Women's Studies: Red Athena University Press.