Bojan Balkovec

+386 1 2411 196

Office hours

Wednesday, 10.30 — 12.00,
e-classroom for individual subjects.



Department of History

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bojan Balkovec


1998: PhD in History (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts)



2020– Associate Professor of Contemporary Slovenian History and General Contemporary HistoryUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

2000–2020: Assistant Professor of Contemporary Slovenian History and General Contemporary HistoryUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

1989–2000: assistant

1987–1989: young researcher

Visiting lectures

  • 2019: University in Zagreb, Faculty of Arts
  • 2017: University in Skopje, Faculty of Arts
  • 2017: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Arts
  • 2016: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Arts
  • 2014: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Arts
  • 2010: Aleksanteri Institute Helsinki
  • 2009: University in Skopje, Faculty of Arts
  • 2007: Silesian University in Opava

Research projects

  • 2021-: member of the SRA research project The Rapallo border: a quarter of a century of existence and a century of heritage and memory

  • 2021-: deputy head Center for Public History at Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana

  • 2017–2021: member of the SRA research project Make This Land German… Italian… Hungarian… Croatian… Again! Borders of Occupational Zones in Slovenia during the Second World War.

  • 1999–: member of the SRA programme group Slovenian History (Department of History

  • 1999–2000: member of the research project Slovenci od začetka slovenskega narodnega preporoda do samostojne države

  • 1995–1998: member of the research project Slovenians and Europe


  • 2020– member of the editorial board of the journal Tokovi istorije

  • 2018– member of the editorial board of the journal Historiski zbornikHistorical Journal

  • 2001–: member of the editorial board of the journal Zgodovinski časopis / Historical Review 

  • 1999–2003: member of the editorial board of the journal History in Schools

  • Reviewer of textbooks and articles in scientific journals (Contributions to Contemporary History, Historical Journal (Croatian)

  • 1992–2003, 2006–: member of the expert council of the Museum of Contemporary History

  • 2001–2006: member of the executive council of Eustory

  • 2001–2005: president of the National Committee for history in the national assessment

  • 2003–2007: member of the Textbooks Committee at the National Council of Experts for General Education

  • member of the Faculty Council, the Academic Assembly, head of the Department of History


Contemporary Slovenian history, history of parliamentarism, local history, history of second world war


Balkovec Bojan, Hriberšek Balkovec Elizabeta (urednika in pisca opomb in spremnega besedila), 2023. Kronika župnije Preloka. Ljubljana, Združenje za promocijo kulturne dediščine, raziskav in novih tehnologij - Retrospektive

Božidar Flajšman, Bojan Balkovec, 2022. Occupation Borders in Bela krajina 1941–1945 in Occupation Borders in Slovenia 1941–1945. Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

Božidar Flajšman, Bojan Balkovec, 2022. Occupation Borders in Dolenjska 1941–1945  in Occupation Borders in Slovenia 1941–1945. Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

Balkovec, Bojan (ur.), 2021. En krompir, tri države: okupacijske meje na Dolenjskem 1941–1945. Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. 

Balkovec, Bojan, Božidar Flajšman, 2020. Vinceremo, videt čemo : okupacijske meje v Beli krajini 1941-1945 Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

Balkovec, Bojan, 2017. "Svi na noge, svi van, da pobjeda bude što sjajnija": izborna teorija i praksa u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji. Zagreb: Srednja Europa

Balkovec, Bojan, 2017. »O izborima u prvih dvadeset godina samostalne Slovenije«. Historijski zbornik God. 70, br. 1: 159–200.

Balkovec, Bojan, 2017. »Delavec in delavka se starata«. V Starost - izzivi historičnega raziskovanja, 143–159. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino.

Balkovec, Bojan, Šubic, Ivana, 2015. Die Einzelheiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Wahlen in Slowenien und Kroatien in den Jahren 1920-1927. Review of Croatian history = Revue für kroatische Geschichte = Revue d'histoire croate. Vol. 11, no. 1: 47–81.


Complete bibliography

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


19. 02. - 16. 04. 2025
Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

Online sessions of studies at the University of Ljubljana

30. 01. - 31. 01. 2025
Faculty of Arts

The second doctoral conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences study programme: New perspectives in Humanities and Social sciences

09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics