In process of reviewing:
for Linguistica, see
MERTELJ, Darja. Student Teachers of Foreign Languages - their Perceptions about the Teaching Practice, the related Workload and the Impact of their Mentors.
for Italiano LinguaDue, see:
MERTELJ, Darja. L1 e Traduzione Didattica Nel Teacher Talk Degli Insegnanti D’Italiano e D’Inglese come Lingue Straniere per Scopi Specialistici.
for a scientific monograph, USA:
JURKOVIČ, Violeta, LENASSI, Nives, KILAR, Vita, MERTELJ, Darja. Online informal learning of languages and foreign language teachers – a complex dynamic systems perspective.
Selected publications from 2017-2018-2019, for the rest see:
Original scientific article
MERTELJ, Darja. Teacher talk in higher education as a language for specific purposes : its features and LSP teachers' awareness. Iranian journal of language teaching research. 2019, vol. 7, iss. 2, 83-99,
MERTELJ, Darja. Representations of people in foreign language textbooks. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IV, Philology. Cultural Studies. 2019, vol. 12 (61), iss. 1, 23-40,
Chapter in a scientific monograph
MERTELJ, Darja. Elements of pedagogical translation within teaching foreign languages for specific purposes. In: KOLETNIK, Melita (ed.), FRŒLIGER, Nicolas (ed.). Translation and language teaching : continuing the dialogue. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, cop. 2019, 59-82
Published scientific conference contribution abstract
Related to EU Erasmus+ project: TRAILs, abstracts/presentations (co-authored):
Italy, Padova, July 2019, Mediating specialised knowledge : challenges and opportunities for LSP communication, translation and research, see:
- The needs of LSP teachers in the EHEA, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič, Mateja Dostal, Saša Podgoršek.
Slovenia, Koper / Capodistria, April 2019, A Plurilingual Mindset in European Education Contexts = Obrazi raznojezičnosti v evropskih izobraževalnih kontekstih = Aspetti del plurilinguismo nei contesti educativi europei
- LSP teacher training in the EHEA : multilingual, English, or largely absent?, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič, Mateja Dostal, Saša Podgoršek.
Italy, Bozen / Bolzano, June 2018, Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education: English-Deutsch-Italiano, Language Centre of the Free University of Bozen / Bolzano, see
- Role of language 1 and culture 1 in two LSP textbooks : German/Italian for ethnologists and cultural anthropologists, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič.
- Features of pedagogical translation and L1 use within teaching LSP in higher education, co-authored with: Violeta Jurkovič.
Poland, Wroclaw / Breslavia, Dec. 2018, Italiano e lingue slave: problemi di grammatica contrastiva, see
- Insegnare strutture grammaticali alla luce contrastiva : che cosa risulta dalle prove con le frasi iussive tra i futuri insegnanti, co-autored with: Mateja Brus.
- Possibili applicazioni della contrastività nell'esercitarsi con la grammatica d'italiano come LS, not co-autored.
- Inclinazione verso l'apprendimento 'contrastivo' delle frasi complesse tra gli studenti di liceo sloveni, co-autored with: Mateja Brus.
- Insegnare la sintassi italiana della frase complessa al livello B1, tra testualità e contrastività, co-autored with: Mirjam Premrl.
- Teacher talk as a language for specific purposes in LSP classes of English, German and Italian.
- Italian and Slovene cultures in contact in an (F)LSP textbook : Italian as FL for Slovene students of ethnology and cultural anthropology, co-authored with: Kaja K. Brecelj.
Final research report:
BITENC PEHARC, Suzana and research co-workers (alphabetically): BAŽEC, Helena), KENDA, Jana, MERTELJ, Darja, PAVLIN, Neda, PREMRL, Mirjam, RACE, Tea, STANIČ, Daša, ŠEČEROV, Neva. Umestitev nacionalnih izpitov iz italijanščine v skupni evropski jezikovni okvir : zaključno poročilo o izvedbi projekta (= Calbiration of national exams ... . Ljubljana: Državni izpitni center, 2017.
Reviewer for:
BRECELJ, Kaja K. Italijanščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe II = Italiano per gli studenti di etnologia e antropologia culturale II. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018.
Performed works (LSP teacher education)
MERTELJ, Darja. Jezik učitelja pri pouku tujega strokovnega jezika. (webinar, Feb. 2019)
MERTELJ, Darja. Tipologija nalog pri poučevanju/učenju TSJ. (workshop, Jan. 2019)
Peer-reviewing for:
Mentor for Master's Theses (Bologna study programme), from 2017, 2018, 2019
FURLAN, Leja. Razvijanje govornega sporazumevanja v italijanščini in slovenščini kot tujih jezikih ob didaktičnih gradivih na ravneh A2 in B1 = Sviluppare il parlato in italiano e sloveno come lingue straniere usando il materiale didattico a livello A2 e B1 : magistrsko delo.
ČUFER, Nina. L'analisi degli errori orali e della loro correzione nella classe di italiano come lingua straniera = Analiza ustnih napak in njihovega popravljanja pri pouku italijanščine kot tujega jezika : magistrsko delo.
SIMONCIG, Sara. Evaluating communicative competence - the balance between accuracy and intelligibility : (English and Italian as foreign languages) = Valutare la competenza comunicativa - l'equilibrio tra accuratezza e comprensibilità : (Inglese e Italiano come lingue straniere) = Vrednjotenje [!] sporazumevalne zmožnosti - ravnovesje med pravilnostjo in razumljivostjo : (angleščina in italijanščina kot tuja jezika) : magistrsko delo.
Master's Theses, in progress, working titles:
- SABADIN, Samanta. Feedback correttivo scritto dell’insegnante nell’apprendimento di una lingua straniera.
- LOGAR, Tjaša. Developing Spoken Interaction at B1 Level in Italian and English as Foreign Languages = Sviluppare l’abilità di parlato al livello B1 in italiano e inglese come lingue straniere
- KOKOŠIN, Andreja. Developing Spoken Production at B1 level in Italian and English as Foreign Languages= Sviluppare la produzione orale dell'italiano e inglese come lingue straniere al livello B1
- JESENOVEC, Jošt. Gledališča improvizacija po načelih ‘impro’ pri pouku umetnosti in tujega jezika.