Study at the Department of History


The Department is implementing the research programme Slovenska zgodovina (Slovene History) as well as shorter, targeted research projects.

About the Department of History


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kornelija Ajlec

Head Deputy:

Asst. Prof. Milan Lovenjak


Jasna Vanček, univ. dipl. zgod.

Office hours: Monday–Friday: 11.00–13.00

Phone: 01 241 1190


Department of History
Department of History
Department of History
Department of History
International Office, Faculty of Arts
Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts
Department of History
Department of History
Department of History
19. 02. - 16. 04. 2025
Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

Online sessions of studies at the University of Ljubljana

Library of the Deparment of History

Library Opening Hours

Monday–Friday: 8.00–14.00

Wednesday: 8.00–17.00

Contact Information:,

01 241 12 00


Knjižnica Oddelka za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani

Kje smo 30 let kasneje - 2. del

2. del razmišljanj o razvoju Slovenije v različnih segmentih slovenske zgodovine v treh desetletjih samostojnosti. 

Kje smo 30 let kasneje - 2. del

2. del razmišljanj o razvoju Slovenije v različnih segmentih slovenske zgodovine v treh desetletjih samostojnosti. 

History Students' Association

The association is actively engaged in connecting students of history at the Department of History, and is part of the International Students of History Association. 

Join us

Department Events

We host many events at the Department of History and at many institutions in Ljubljana and all over Slovenia, in which our guests or members of the Department participate. You can take a look at a brief review of our activities in chronological order from 2017 onwards.

See events

Tutoring at the Department of History

The Department of History provides organized assistance to students in order to facilitate their adjustment to the university environment and give advice on the study of history etc.


Oddelek za zgodovino v medijih

Oglejte si medijske objave Oddelka za zgodovino. 









In 2019, the Faculty of Arts celebrated its centennial

On 3 December 1919 at 9 a.m. the first lecture began in the former State Mansion of Carniola, thus ushering in the birth of the Faculty of Arts and the University of Ljubljana.