KOBAL GRUM, Darja. Interactions between human behaviour and the built environment in terms of facility management. Facilities, ISSN 0263-2772, 2018, vol. 36, iss. 1/2, str. 2-12, ilustr. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/F-03-2017-0040, doi: 10.1108/F-03-2017-0040. [COBISS.SI-ID 66278754].
AUER ANTONČIČ, Jasna, ANTONČIČ, Boštjan, KOBAL GRUM, Darja, RUZZIER, Mitja. The big five personality of the SME manager and their company's performance. Journal of developmental entrepreneurship, ISSN 1084-9467, 2018, vol. 23, iss. 4, str. 1-23, doi: 10.1142/S1084946718500218. [COBISS.SI-ID 24978662].
KAVŠEK, Nika, KOBAL GRUM, Darja, MASTEN, Robert. Psychosocial stress of employees of Slovenian Armed forces. V: MARKOVIĆ, Dragana (ur.). Stress in military profession : thematic collection of articles, (Library Vojna knjiga, book no. 2234). Beograd: University of Defence, Strategic Research Institute: Media Center "Odbrana"; Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Military Science. 2018, str. 267-292, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 68488034]
KOBAL GRUM, Darja. Samopodoba v diferencialni psihologiji, (Razprave FF). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2017. 153 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-237-937-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 290619136]
MARČIČ, Renata, KOBAL GRUM, Darja. Gender differences in the relationship between self-esteem varieties and aggressiveness. V: HOLLOWAY, Franklin (ur.). Self-esteem : perspectives, influences and improvement strategies, (Psychology of emotions, motivations and actions). New York: Nova Publishers. cop. 2016, str. 75-106, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 62848354]
UCMAN, Saša, KOBAL GRUM, Darja. Improvement of self-esteem in persons with dependency on illicit drugs after clinical treatment. V: HOLLOWAY, Franklin (ur.). Self-esteem : perspectives, influences and improvement strategies, (Psychology of emotions, motivations and actions). New York: Nova Publishers. cop. 2016, str. 231-272, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 62848610]
STARC, Gregor, KOVAČ, Marjeta, STREL, Janko, PAJEK, Maja, GOLJA, Petra, ROBIČ PIKEL, Tatjana, ZDEŠAR KOTNIK, Katja, KOBAL GRUM, Darja, FILIPČIČ, Tjaša, SORIĆ, Maroje, MIŠIGOJ-DURAKOVIĆ, Marjeta, ŠAJBER, Dorica, LESKOŠEK, Bojan, ULAGA, Maja, PINTER, Stanislav, HADŽIĆ, Vedran, ZALETEL, Petra, ZALETEL-KRAGELJ, Lijana, DJOMBA, Janet Klara, JURIČIČ, Mojca, KUKEC, Andreja, PUŠNIK, Vika, GABRIJELČIČ BLENKUŠ, Mojca, GREGORIČ, Matej, FAJDIGA TURK, Vida, PAJEK, Jernej, KOLAR, Edvard, JURAK, Gregor. The ACDSi 2014 - a decennial study on adolescents´ somatic, motor, psychosocial development and healthy lifestyle : study protocol. Anthropological notebooks, ISSN 1408-032X. [Tiskana izd.], 2015, year 21, no. 3, str. 107-123. http://www.drustvo-antropologov.si/AN/PDF/2015_3/Anthropological_Notebooks_XXI_3_Starc.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 3714895].