Oddelek za geografijo
CEEPUS študijske izmenjave 2023-2024
Odprte so prijave za študentske izmenjave v okviru CEEPUS mreže GEOREGNET v študijskem letu 2023-24.
Mreža GEOREGNET omogoča študentom krajše (enomesečne) in daljše (večmesečne) študijske izmenjave na partnerskih univerzah, ki sodelujejo v mreži. Štipendijo CEEPUS dodeljuje država prejemnica in vključuje štipendijo, namestitev in zdravstveno varstvo ter zagotavlja oprostitev šolnine. Potni stroški niso pokriti.
Seznam inštitucij kamor se lahko odpravite na študijsko izmenjavo:
- Mendel University in Brno - The Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies
- University of Graz - Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung
- The University of Zagreb - Faculty of Science
- Palacký University in Olomouc - Department of Geography
- The University of Prešov - Department of Geography and Applied Geoinformatics
- University of Zadar - Department of Geography
- The University of Pécs - Faculty of Business and Economics
- Charles University in Prague - Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
- The University of Novi Sad - Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow - Institute of Geography and Spatial Management
- University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- University of Mostar - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities,
- The University of Oradea - Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning
- St Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra - Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
- The University of Prishtina - Department of Geography , University of Pristina
Na izmenjavo se prijavite preko spletne strani CEEPUS: https://www.ceepus.info/
Dodatne informacije dobite pri oddelčnem koordinatorju Boštjanu Roglju.
Boštjan Rogelj