Oddelek za sociologijo

Kognitivne znanosti - magistrski študijski program Univerze na Reki

Applications for scholarships and places (up to 20) on the Masters Programme in Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rijeka (Croatia) are open until March 6th. There is no application fee.

The Cognitive Sciences programme is a two-year Masters programme designed to help students become confident researchers. The programme is conducted entirely in the English language and has a particular focus on psychology, philosophy, and behavioural sciences. The annual tuition fee for students starting in October 2024 is €1100 – the same fee applies to both EU- and non-EU citizens. Students who apply by the 6th March deadline will be eligible to apply for scholarships that cover the annual tuition fee (for both years of the programme). We have two Scholarships for Excellence which are given based on the quality of the application and the applicant’s performance during an online interview (we do not take into account previous educational achievements due to the wide range of backgrounds our students tend to have). In addition to our Scholarship for Excellence, we also offer a Scholarship to support students from vulnerable and underrepresented student populations. Further information about these scholarships and the application process is available on our website (https://cogsci.uniri.hr).

If you have any questions about your eligibility, the application process or anything else then please contact me (Ljerka Ostojic: Head of Studies) via the programme’s email address cogsci@uniri.hr

You can also find more informal information about the programme, life in Rijeka, and our current students on our Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/rijekacogsci/).


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